Sunday, September 6, 2009

17 Again

I really enjoyed this romantic comedy, and I know a lot of it was sort of like a bringing-the-family-back-together type film but there is romance at the heart of it. Zac Efron is a hunk and a doll, and I think he was awesome as a 40-year old man trapped in his own 17-year old body. He was believable, and his comedic timing was perfect. I was really worried that this flashback adventure would be predictable and only mildly funny, but it was pleasantly surprising and full of good humor. Leslie Mann and Matthew Perry are two hilarious actors, and it was nice to see them starring as the romantic leads. It stinks that Perry didn't get as much screen time as Mann. I hope to see Perry in more movies soon...I miss his comedic stylings.

I also want to mention that the side love story of Ned and the principal cracked me up...their nerdiness brought them together. Loved it! Ned was awesome...same guy that played Doug in I Love You, Man. He is a hoot.

Recommended to all the romantic comedy chick flick types out there, but I think guys will get a kick out this, too.

1 comment:

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

Thanks for the review! I've debated on whether or not I should add this to my netflix queue. I totally am now. :)